Monday, June 06, 2011

I'm Back Home Again!

My trip to Indiana and North Carolina was great, but I am ever so thankful to be safely home in Wyoming again! You never realize how much you take something for granted until it's gone, or far, far away!

I have lots of pics (667 in fact! LOL!)and I'll try to upload a few of them when I get them all edited. That's another thing I love to do! :)

One of the things that I got to do while in Indiana was help prepare for the 100 and 150th Anniversary Celebration for Union Bible College and Academy. It was lots of fun and the service on Friday evening was very special! I enjoyed getting to be there!

Uncle Rodney (Farney) made these display cases. They were beautiful!

This monument was placed in front of the academy building. It is great!

Grandpa Fulton & Sis. Bradbury wrote a book about the history of Union Bible College & Academy. They did an excellent job!

Another display case that Uncle Rodney built.

Ben Crawford was there representing the Bible Heritage Foundation (I think that's right) and displayed this edition of the 1611 King James Version. Awesome!!

1 comment :

Pamela said...

We were able to attend the last night of camp meeting. We always love the music Jerry presents. I thought the display cases were beautiful and an awesome idea but I didn't know who made them.

Wyoming is a long way from Indiana!