So, it's been a month or so since I posted, and yes, I know....I should be shot. LOL! This going away for a 4 1/2 weeks is for the birds!
Oh, I enjoyed my time in NC and IN, but was I ever missing James and my babies (oh, they're dogs, not babies!) Jill, Sky, and Tip :) They were so happy to see me when I got home :)
Even with a mountain of dishes, laundry, and house cleaning (not to mention all the grocery shopping!), I must say that it's good to be HOME! :)
Just wanted to share a funny thing that happened several nights ago:
It was the middle of the night and I was sleeping soundly. (I am a VERY light sleeper! Any little noise or light will wake me up!) All of a sudden I hear James clear his throat and then I hear/feel spit in my ear! Not a great way to wake up!!!! Yes, he was dreaming that he was helping his sister at county fair, got a bug in his throat, and needed to spit! Needless to say I woke him up in quite a hurry to explain what in the world he was thinking! :)
Some of my friends are going through rough times right now, and I just want you all to know that we are thinking of you and praying that Jesus will guide you and give you His peace!
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