Albert Mohler's new book "The Conviction to Lead" has 25 principles for leadership that matters. I have enjoyed reading it, but found it a little hard to get through in spots.
I like how it is based on a Scriptural foundation. It gives a clear Christian perspective on leadership and what makes a good leader. There are lots of secular books out there that will try to help you be a better leader, but not always do they change the way you look at real leadership.
I have underlined my book and marked places that I want to go back and look at again. This book will make you think about what makes you the leader you are, or the leader you want to be.
One of the quotes that I underlined is this:
"Leaders without emotional intelligence cannot lead effectively because they cannot connect with the people they are trying to lead. Leaders lacking ethical intelligence will lead their people into a catastrophe. But leaders without convictional intelligence will fail to lead faithfully, and that is a disaster for Christian leaders." -Albert Moehler, pg. 31
I would recommend this book for anyone wanting to learn more about effective leadership, or for those already in a leadership position.
My Rating: 4 stars
Note: I was given a free copy of this book for review by Bethany House Publishers. They do not require a positive review, only an honest one. The opinions and comments are my own.
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