Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Home in Drayton Valley

So, I just finished reading this book by Kim Vogel Sawyer. It's called "A Home in Drayton Valley."

I've read several other books by this author and have found them to be well written. This one is no different. It pulls you in to the story and if you're anything like me, you'll feel like you're one of the characters :)

If you like Christian Fiction at all, then I would recommend this book. Here's a little sneak peak into the book:

Tarsie lives in New York and works as a seamstress. She lives in a very run down house with room mates and is the oldest so ends up with most of the chores.

Mary & Joss are Tarsie's friends and have two children, Nathaniel and Emmy. They live in a very run down apartment, and Joss works at the docks. Joss drinks a lot, and Mary has to take in laundry to support herself and the children. She is very sick with cancer.

Tarsie finds a brochure about Drayton Valley, KS and talks Mary and Joss into going. Along the way, there is lots of adventure and Joss doesn't like Tarsie too well because he thinks she's too bossy :)

You'll need to read for yourself to find out exactly what happens... :) I found myself laughing and crying while reading this story. At times, I didn't like some of the characters, but found them mostly realistic.

My Rating: 4.5 stars

PS. I received a FREE copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers just for review. A positive review is not required, and the opinions and comments are my own.

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