Monday, May 02, 2011

My Thoughts today....

I just can't help feeling a little sad that the man we've hunted for so many years is now dead! The reason why? He's having to face torments that are far worse than anything he could have planned for here on earth, and wishing for a drop of water to cool his tongue..... Sometimes in this world of violence we become heartless people and celebrate the death of those that are very evil, maybe we should pray more instead of celebrating! Just thinking out loud.......

I'm not saying that Osama wasn't an evil person and that we shouldn't have gone after him....Just that maybe we're taking his death too lightly. I think that we often get too calloused to the reality that there really is a hell to shun! How often do we really think about that reality?

When I was growing up I heard tons of people preaching about hell. It made me NOT want to go there! Yeah, I know too many preachers have used the "scare tactic" in their preaching, but not everyone does, and hell should be preached about!

Ok, enough of my thoughts..... Please, Jesus, help me to do my part to win souls for YOU!!!

1 comment :

Justin and Jennifer Harris said...

I wholeheartedly agree! My husband and I were talking about the same thing last night when the news came on the TV. He was an evil man, but Christ died for his sins just like He died for mine. He will spend the rest of eternity being tormented and as a Christian I think that should give us pause!